Here’s why you should eat 2 cloves daily.

Boost the body’s defenses.
Cloves are a great food for boosting the immune system because they contain vitamin C, which helps increase white blood cells in the body. This can help fight infections, as stated in a study published in the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry.

Enhance your digestion.
Clove can help with stomach issues by boosting the production of digestive enzymes. Don’t forget that they have lots of fiber, which is good for your digestion and can help prevent constipation, as stated in a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. The most effective way to help with stomach issues using cloves is to eat them ground up or roasted with honey.

3. Ease tooth pain.
This spice is also famous for its pain-relieving effect that can help with toothaches due to various substances found in cloves, as stated in a scientific study. If your tooth hurts, put another tooth on top of it to help with the pain.


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