How To Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh Without Using An Air Freshener

How to Keep your bathroom Smelling Fresh without using an air freshener…

When it comes to well-being, the bathroom should always be clean and smell good. However, our moments of relaxation in this room can sometimes be ruined by disgusting smells.

While traditional perfumes and deodorants can mask and eliminate unpleasant odors, they are still harmful to our health and the environment.

In our article, we show you how to deodorize your bathroom with simple, natural and inexpensive tricks.

To make the process of deodorizing your bathroom as natural as possible, we’ve come up with some economical and ecological ideas.

Natural products are healthier and therefore cause fewer allergic reactions, as they don’t contain harsh chemicals.

Here are 7 homemade fragrance ideas for a pleasantly scented bathroom.

1 – Fabric softener in the toilet tank

This is a tried-and-tested method. Simply add a generous dose of fabric softener to the toilet tank for a pleasantly scented toilet and bathroom. Every time you flush the toilet, a pleasant fragrance is released into the room, and the fabric softener acts as a deodorizer.



It’s also possible to make fabric softener at home with natural ingredients if you’re afraid of the chemicals in traditional fabric softener.

2 – Cotton with essential oils

This trick is simple: soak a cotton pad in an essential oil of your choice and place it in a strategic spot in the bathroom.

You can opt for lavender, lemon or even cinnamon essential oil. Note that you can also scent your car with this trick, or soak a clothespin in essential oil and attach it to the car’s air vents.

3 – Aromatic soap



One of the simplest and most classic options is aromatic soap. You can choose a soap with the scent of lemon, lavender, the sea… The choice is yours, and you can place it strategically in the bathroom. What’s more, this trick is inexpensive yet very practical.

4 – Cinnamon and vanilla: gourmet scents

To prepare this homemade aroma, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Vanilla extract
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 cup water

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and boil over low heat for two minutes. Strain the mixture and leave to cool. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it all over the bathroom.

Continued on next page

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